Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Troubleshooting Google Analytics 4 API Error in R – Specific Query Fails, Other Queries Successful Reply To: Troubleshooting Google Analytics 4 API Error in R – Specific Query Fails, Other Queries Successful

  • James

    5 July 2023 at 6:29 am

    Troubleshooting your issue with the ‘googleAnalyticsR’ package can involve multiple steps. Firstly, it’s important to note that a 500 error usually suggests a server-side problem. This could be an issue with Google’s servers but it’s also possible that there’s an issue with your request. If your code works with other queries, it may suggest that the data you’re trying to retrieve for last week’s sold product is causing the problem.

    As you’ve confirmed that your dates (‘last_monday’ and ‘last_sunday’) are correct, the issue could be related to the specific metrics or dimensions you’re trying to access for this query. Ensure that these are valid and available for the GA4 property you are querying. Note, not all metrics and dimensions that were available in Universal Analytics are available in GA4.

    If everything seems correct, it could be worthwhile trying your request at a different time, as occasional server-side issues can be temporary. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the package’s developer or community for help. Provide them with your error logs so they have more information to assist you with.