Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4

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Channels and Attribution in Google Analytics 4

It is very helpful to familiarize yourself with common terminology for ad traffic and attribution for understanding advertising reports in…

E-commerce Implementation in Google Analytics 4

One of the key areas of focus for GA4 is e-commerce, it provides reports and capabilities to help businesses track…

Google Analytics 4 Ecosystem

Google Analytics ecosystem can be categorized into two sides for understanding 1. Client Side 2. Server Side Client Side: A…

Community Discussions

Creating a Content Group – please help cant get it to work

BackgroundI work at a university, I need to create an individual report for four faculties to show page views etc for the courses they run.…

How can the application version be included in Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol?

Hey there, I’m currently working on transitioning from Google Analytics 3 to 4 for my Electron application. I’ve run into a bit of a snag…

What is the optimal setup for managing multiple websites on Google Analytics 4?

Hey there, I’m currently managing multiple international websites for my company. The number of these sites will be on the upswing this year. I wanted…

Analyzing Event Source on an Embedded Page with GA4

“How can I correct my GA4 setup on two websites, one embedded with an iframe in the other, so that the source doesn’t display as…

Harnessing Revenue Tracking for Custom Events in GA4 with GTM

I need some help figuring out if I can track revenue for a custom GA4 event that I’ve set up to be fired through GTM.…

Understanding the discrepancy in e-commerce data visibility by country in Google Analytics

Hey, here’s a funky question. Why are we having trouble seeing e-commerce stats by region, huh? Check out this screenshot of GA4 I’ve been playing…