Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 GA4 BetaAnalyticsDataClient – Limited filtering options for hourly/minute results and channel grouping Reply To: GA4 BetaAnalyticsDataClient – Limited filtering options for hourly/minute results and channel grouping

  • Leo

    14 May 2023 at 6:00 am

    As of now, there seems to be a limitation when trying to use the dateHourMinute dimension along with the default channel grouping dimension in GA4 API. Based on the error message and the dimensions metrics explorer information, it appears the two don’t work well together and might be considered incompatible. Currently, GA4 API doesn’t seem to allow filtering data for specific default system segments like GA3 does. There’s no clear workaround on how to pull dateHourMinute data from GA4 API while filtering on specific channel groups. This might be an issue that Google needs to address regarding their GA4 API. You might want to consider reaching out to Google’s support for further clarification. It’s also a good idea to stay updated with any changes or updates in the GA4 API documentation.