Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Missing Pageview in GA4: Troubleshooting Assistance Needed Reply To: Missing Pageview in GA4: Troubleshooting Assistance Needed

  • Leo

    26 May 2023 at 3:36 am

    In Google Analytics 4, the virtual pageviews are tracked as events instead of standard pageviews. When you fire a tag for virtual pageview in GA4, it will appear under the “Events” section instead of “Pages”. To find the virtual pageview under the “Events”, navigate to “Reports” > “Engagement” > “Events”. It should be listed there as an event. If you wish to use it in a funnel, you need to create an event first with it and then build the funnel. GA4 is significantly different from Universal Analytics where virtual pageviews could be found in the “Behavior” > “Site Content” > “All Pages” section. Remember that debugging can also be done by using the Real-Time reports or DebugView for more immediate feedback.