Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Resolving Duplicate Values Issue in GA4 for Membership Items Reply To: Resolving Duplicate Values Issue in GA4 for Membership Items

  • William

    20 February 2023 at 11:54 am

    One way of separating all the memberships in GA4 (Google Analytics 4) is by using custom dimensions to track each membership type. While setting up each subscription as a product would be a perfect way to arrange them ideally, GA4 doesn’t have this setup built in. However, you can employ custom dimensions to achieve similar results.

    Custom dimensions will allow you to tag and categorize each purchase as a separate type of membership. When the purchase event is sent to GA4, you can add a custom parameter to differentiate between main memberships and bonus memberships. This will essentially let each membership have its own identity, distinct from the others.

    To implement this, you’ll need to tweak the purchase event code to include the custom dimension of membership type. Each purchase should then also include the type of membership purchased. This data can then be included in your reports and analyses to determine separately the impact of each membership type.

    Please be reminded that these adjustments should be made by a web development professional to ensure accuracy and compliance with Google terms and conditions.