Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Resolving Duplicate Link Clicks in GA4 Using Google Tag Manager Reply To: Resolving Duplicate Link Clicks in GA4 Using Google Tag Manager

  • Isabella

    14 June 2023 at 8:27 am

    It seems you’re encountering an unexpected issue where GA4 is producing duplicate link clicks after having setup Outbound clicks tracking in Enhanced Measurement and creating an Auto Event variable for internal clicks through GTM. Some possible reasons might be discrepancies between your Debug View and Live Report figures, or a glitch in the system causing the duplication. However, as the same issue doesn’t appear when you test on a live site with the Live Report, it might also be an issue specifically related to the Debug View. I suggest you check if the debug mode is working properly. If the issue continues, you might want to consult directly with Google support or a professional with technical expertise in GA4.