Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Is dataLayer.unshift() a suitable replacement for dataLayer.push() in GA4? Reply To: Is dataLayer.unshift() a suitable replacement for dataLayer.push() in GA4?

  • George

    2 February 2023 at 8:58 am

    Switching from push() to unshift() for adding elements to dataLayer shouldn’t disrupt Google Analytics 4’s ability to read the data as long as the data structure remains the same. While push() adds elements to the end of an array, unshift() adds them to the beginning. However, Google Analytics 4 doesn’t inherently depend on the order of elements in the dataLayer array; it’s much more concerned with the structure and naming convention of the data objects themselves. That being said, while such a change might not break anything, it could potentially make your code more confusing to maintain, potentially introducing bugs. Always test thoroughly when making changes like this.