Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Struggling to Locate utm_content in Lookerstudio and GA4 Integration Reply To: Struggling to Locate utm_content in Lookerstudio and GA4 Integration

  • Matthew

    9 July 2023 at 6:41 pm

    Hey there, it seems like you’re dealing with quite a tricky situation! Unfortunately without the detailed knowledge on both Lookerstudio and your specific dataset, it’s a bit challenging to point you precisely to the correct field. But do check if fields like ‘Page Content’, ‘Ad Content’, or any field with the ‘content’ keyword in Lookerstudio could represent your utm_content. It can be named differently according to different implementation of GA4 in Looker. Pro tip: reach out to Lookerstudio’s customer support or community, they may be able to clear up the confusion!