Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 'I have upgraded to GA4, but I am not receiving real-time reports like I did in Universal Analytics. Is this achievable? Please take a look at the pictures below.' Reply To: 'I have upgraded to GA4, but I am not receiving real-time reports like I did in Universal Analytics. Is this achievable? Please take a look at the pictures below.'

  • Samuel

    13 October 2022 at 5:15 pm

    You may not be able to get your GA4 results to look exactly like your Universal Analytics results because these are two different platforms with different ways of measuring and reporting. The main difference is that Universal Analytics is session-based while GA4 is event-based. That being said, you may be able to get similar data by exploring GA4’s new features and options. To do this, go to ‘reports’ and create a new report based on your requirements. If you’re looking for real-time data like in Universal Analytics, go to the ‘real-time’ section in GA4. Here, you’ll see data from the last 30 minutes by default, but you cannot change it to display data from the last 5 minutes as you could in Universal Analytics. So, getting exact same look or functionality might not be possible due to fundamental differences between these two platforms.