Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Troubleshooting: GA4 Segment Exclusion of Email Not Effective When Splitting Report by Medium Reply To: Troubleshooting: GA4 Segment Exclusion of Email Not Effective When Splitting Report by Medium

  • Isaiah

    23 May 2023 at 6:47 pm

    It seems like you’re doing everything correctly according to the steps you’ve provided. However, you’re still encountering issues with email sessions showing up in your GA4 reports even though you’ve set up your segment to exclude them. This could possibly be a glitch or error with GA4 itself, or there might be a subtle issue in the way you’re setting up your segment or exploration. Unfortunately, without more detailed information or personal experience with this specific issue, it’s hard to give an exact solution. It could be beneficial to look for additional resources or contact Google support to resolve this.