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Absolutely! You’ve linked your GA4 property to BigQuery and are dispatching custom events from your app, right? Events sent either through the standard JS library or the back-end via the Measurement Protocol API should all make their way to BigQuery, no worries there.
Now, you’ve mentioned that all of your data is showing up in the Realtime report on your GA dashboard – that’s brilliant! However, you noticed that only front-end events are making their appearance in BigQuery. So, where are those also important back-end events sent via Measurement Protocol API? They should be showing up too! You’ve done everything right by not stirring up any custom events or dimensions in the GA dashboard, as it’s not essential for BigQuery data.
So, without a doubt, those events tracked by the Measurement Protocol API should be making their grand entrance in BigQuery. No extra steps needed on your part. Turns out, I was sending events to the wrong property, which is why they pulled a disappearing act in BigQuery! Once I had that sorted, everything fell into place. Always remember to double-check those property settings!