Troubleshooting GA4 Revenue Calculation Issues
Alright, so here’s a peculiar thing that’s been bothering me, and I’m hoping some kind soul out there in the universe can help me sort things out. Google Analytics 4 – or as cool kids call it, GA4 – and I are having a bit of a misunderstanding, and by misunderstanding, I mean it’s been turning a blind eye to my tickets for a good month or so.
Here’s the scoop: on my website, I’ve got users making purchases (go capitalism!), and all I want is for GA4 to kindly and accurately show my revenue in SAR. I’ve got this nifty piece of code at my disposal for successful orders:
if(( typeof gtag !== 'undefined')){ gtag("event", "purchase", { transaction_id: "{$order->paymentid}", affiliation: "My Store", value: +('{{$theTotal}}'.replace(',','')), tax: {{$order->vat}}, shipping: {{$theShipping}}, currency: "{$order->currency}", coupon: "{$order->coupon_code}", items: temp }); }
When it’s rendered, it looks like a perfect piece of modern art:
However, when I go check my GA4 dashboard, I don’t see the big bucks. Instead, I see a big goose egg or maybe one single nugget of revenue out of a goldmine of 10+ orders. And based on my client-to-server logs, I know those orders went through successfully.
Here’s a peek into GA4 on a particular day:
And surprise, surprise! Here are my logs showing my online store was like one big successful order party, with 9 confirmed pings:
So, here’s the million-dollar question: why on Earth is GA4 doing me dirty by only considering one “purchase” event and ignoring the rest like they’re out of style?
Just so you’re in the loop, here’s the tags I’ve got in the head: . And here is a screenshot from the GA4 Admin settings:
Is there a GA4 guru in the house? Can anyone offer a brother some assistance? Thanks a heap!
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