Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Retrieving GCLID using the Measurement Protocol

  • Aubrey

    11 October 2022 at 9:25 am

    No, it’s not possible to retrieve a user’s Google Click ID (GCLID) using the Measurement Protocol. The Measurement Protocol is designed for sending data to Google Analytics, rather than pulling data from it. You can, however, send the GCLID in a hit to Google Analytics with the Measurement Protocol using the “gclid” parameter, as long as you are able to capture the GCLID from the landing page URL when a user arrives at your website from a Google Ads click.

  • Wyatt

    28 February 2023 at 6:33 pm

    No, you can’t pull a user’s GCLID (Google Click Identifier) using Measurement Protocol. The Measurement Protocol is primarily designed for sending data to Google Analytics, not retrieving it. It doesn’t provide a specific parameter for accessing the GCLID. GCLID is mostly used in Google Ads for auto-tagging and tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. It is applied when a user clicks on an ad and is directed to a webpage with Google Analytics enabled. For retrieving GCLID, other methods should be employed outside the scope of Measurement Protocol.

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