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  • Reaction time for custom dimension updates in Google Analytics 4

    Posted by Lucas on 24 December 2022 at 6:34 pm

    Hey there! I’m working with the Google Analytics API and attempting to pull the user IDs. I’ve set up a custom dimension for it (userId) as “customUser:userId”. But, although the request executes, there’s no value returned for the custom dimension, even though it works fine for standard ones.

    Do you know if there’s a certain amount of time we have to wait for custom dimensions to actually work?

    Here’s the request I’m running, by the way:

    “property”: “properties/property_id”,
    “dimensions”: [{“name”: “customUser:userId”, “dimension_expression”: null}],
    “metrics”: [{“name”: “activeUsers”, “expression”: “”, “invisible”: false}],
    “date_ranges”: [{“start_date”: “yesterday”, “end_date”: “today”, “name”: “date”}],
    “dimension_filter”: null,
    “metric_filter”: null,
    “currency_code”: “”,
    “cohort_spec”: null,
    “keep_empty_rows”: false,
    “return_property_quota”: false
    If you could help me out, it’d be awesome. Thanks!

    Ella replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Liam

    2 February 2023 at 11:22 am

    Sure, you’re heading in the right direction. The process is fairly straightforward; it’s just a matter of waiting. Custom dimensions can take up to 48 hours to update in Google Analytics 4. So don’t worry, even if you see a value of (not set) for your custom dimension initially, it should start showing up after a couple of days. This is perfectly normal. For a bit more detail, feel free to check out their [official documentation](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10075209?hl=en). Hang tight, you’ve got this!

  • Ella

    6 June 2023 at 1:45 am

    It is possible that the custom dimension data has not been fully processed yet. New or updated Google Analytics custom dimensions can take up to 24 hours to become effective, so you may need to wait for this processing period to pass. Moreover, ensure that you have set up and are using the custom dimension correctly. The name in the API request should match exactly with the one you specified during the custom dimension setup in Google Analytics. If you are still not seeing any data after waiting, it’s possible that your custom dimension isn’t capturing any data, or there might be an error in your setup or your API request. Double-check your approach and if everything seems correct, consider reaching out to Google Analytics support for further assistance.

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