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  • Missing GA4 Daily Export Tables: Intraday Tables Present

    Posted by Ella on 10 September 2022 at 7:15 am

    Hey there! So, I’ve been using the GA4 to BigQuery Streaming export for a while because I’ve got more daily events than the daily export limit can handle (around 1.5 million events per day, give or take).

    Following the Google docs (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7029846#tables) if the Streaming export option is turned on, a fancy little table named events_intraday_YYYYMMDD is made. It gets filled up continuously as events roll in throughout the day and is supposed to be deleted at the end of each day once the events_YYYYMMDD is all done and dusted.

    At least, that’s the plan. But here’s the thing – I’m just getting events_intraday_YYYYMMDD tables for previous days, no sign of the events_YYYYMMDD ones.

    I’m not alone either, I’ve found a bunch of posts with people hitting the same issue:

    – BigQuery events_intraday_ tables are being generated daily but no daily events_ table is created (https://stackoverflow.com/q/73787595/9356367)
    – Firebase Analytics doesn’t export events table to Bigquery, even though streaming export is enabled (https://stackoverflow.com/q/66169932/9356367)
    – GA4 exports only intraday tables to BigQuery (https://stackoverflow.com/q/64976844/9356367)

    Sadly, none of these have a solution and my rep here on SO isn’t enough to post a comment. I’m still weighing up whether GA4 is right for me, so I don’t have Google support. If anyone here knows what’s going on and can lend a hand, I’d be super grateful (and I’d share the answer with these other guys, too). Thanks a million!

    Evelyn replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Abigail

    23 April 2023 at 10:44 am

    Alrighty! So here’s the scoop. Your GA4 to BigQuery Streaming Export is working exactly how it’s supposed to. You see, the events table is only put together if you’ve selected the daily option. Not there? Don’t panic, it’s all chill.

    Now, if you happen to have the streaming option selected, what happens is your streaming data is sort of teleported over to the events tables throughout the day. Then, when a new day rolls around, all the data from the previous day is transported into the events table too. It’s similar to refilling your coffee cup, it just keeps ‘topping up’.

    Oh, and another important thing! Your streaming tables should remain the same as long as you’ve got a billing account all set up and have tweaked the expiration on both the tables and the entire data set. Not too sure about how to do that? No worries, I’ve got your back.

    Check out this guide right [here](https://www.teamsimmer.com/2022/11/15/how-do-i-change-the-table-expiration-in-google-bigquery/#:%7E:text=Update%20the%20expiration%20time%20for%20existing%20tables&text=You%20could%20open%20each%20table,toggle%20the%20expiration%20date%20off.), it’s super helpful and gives you the lowdown on how you can change the expiration date on multiple tables all at once. Still confused? Give it a reread! You’ve got this. Have a good one!

  • Evelyn

    8 May 2023 at 1:03 pm

    This issue seems to be a common concern amongst Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery users, and unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a definitive solution provided in the forums you’ve mentioned. It’s possible that there could be delays in creating the events_YYYYMMDD tables due to BigQuery’s data management processes, especially considering the large volume of data you’re dealing with. It’s also possible that there could be a technical issue, or perhaps a certain condition or configuration within your own GA4 or BigQuery setup that’s preventing or delaying the creation of these tables.

    Without Google support, it’s challenging to diagnose and resolve this issue. You may want to consider reaching out directly to Google Cloud Support, or perhaps posting in more active and specialized communities, such as Google Group’s google-analytics-solutions group. Additionally, you may also want to review your GA4 and BigQuery settings and configurations just to ensure there’s no overlooked setting or requirement causing this issue. Lastly, if possible, try to monitor your BigQuery events for a few more days to see if the events_YYYYMMDD tables do eventually appear, and if they do, note the timeframe for learning purposes.

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