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  • Debugged GTM tag for GA4 not visible in Network tab or debug view

    Posted by Ava on 23 January 2023 at 6:02 am

    I’m using an SPA with a GTM container and I have GA4 set up with enhanced measurements. When I check GTM debugger, it shows the correct container ID. It also seems to be capturing the right values for my page views. But, my issue is that I can’t see any page views collected in my network. This is even after I’ve added various triggers in GTM. I’ve tried different solutions, like adding custom events, moving configuration tags, and manually firing page views from GTM. None of these solutions worked. But, I can run console.log from custom html code through GTM without any issues. What could be wrong?

    Jordan replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Finley

    10 May 2023 at 6:14 pm

    It sounds like you have correctly set up Google Tag Manager and GA4 for your single page application, but are having trouble seeing the page views in your network. There could be various reasons for this issue. It could relate to certain blockers, e.g., ad blockers or privacy extensions that might prevent the correct data from being sent to Google Analytics. Another reason could be incorrect or conflicting set ups in GA4 and GTM. For example, make sure your GA4 configuration tag in GTM is correctly set up to fire on all pages or accordingly to your desired triggers. Also check your triggers, variables and tags; they should be properly configured. If the configuration is correct but you’re still having issues, it may be beneficial to seek professional help or reach out to Google support.

  • Jordan

    17 May 2023 at 11:22 pm

    It sounds like your GTM and GA4 configurations may not be set up correctly. It could be a problem with how you’ve configured the triggers or tags in Google Tag Manager or you might not have properly connected your GA4 property to your GTM container. It might be worth double-checking the setup instructions and making sure everything is linked correctly.

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