Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Exploring Automation Options for Tag and Trigger Creation in Google Tag Manager Reply To: Exploring Automation Options for Tag and Trigger Creation in Google Tag Manager

  • Avery

    27 June 2023 at 9:44 pm

    Automating the creation of tags and triggers in Google Tag Manager (GTM) isn’t directly possible as GTM does not offer a feature that allows bulk creation or automatic generation. Each tag and trigger has to be configured manually based on specific needs. However, for speeding up this process, you can duplicate existing tags or triggers which saves some time. For this, you just need to select the tag or trigger you want to duplicate and modify as necessary. While GTM templates are useful in standardizing the configuration of tags, they do not directly assist in automation. Consider hiring a developer with GTM knowledge if your case is complex and needs advanced solutions for automation.