Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Creating Form Funnels in GA4 with Single URL Structure: Exploring Options Reply To: Creating Form Funnels in GA4 with Single URL Structure: Exploring Options

  • Lucas

    22 February 2023 at 10:01 am

    Yes, in this scenario where all the steps are located on the same URL, GA4’s standard funnel may not give you the insight you need. Instead, you’ll have to use events to gather this information. For each step in the form, create a distinct event that fires when the user completes that part of the form. This way, you’ll be able to track each step as its own event and create a funnel using those events. In essence, you’re creating your own custom markers within the same page and tracking movement between them. This method allows you to gain the fine detail within-page navigation that a typical pageview-based funnel analysis wouldn’t provide.