Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Insufficient Rows Returned in GA4 Data API Response for Duplicate Events with Identical Data Reply To: Insufficient Rows Returned in GA4 Data API Response for Duplicate Events with Identical Data

  • Lucas

    15 April 2023 at 9:14 pm

    Hey there! What you’re experiencing is completely normal. Google Analytics groups dimensions by unique values and then sums up the metrics. So, for example, if we have Report A with dimensions like country, region, and city, let’s say with values like South Africa, Western Cape, and Cape Town, respectively. Now, if there’s a Report B just with the country dimension, it will not have separate rows for each city in South Africa, but will just have one row for South Africa.

    In your case, you’ve got values like Lorem, elit, and Nunc that are shared between your two events. So, Google Analytics proceeds to put them all into one row. The good side of this is that by adding the metric eventCount to your reports, you can still see the number of events. Your first report will show 1 eventCount per row, and your second report will show 2 eventCount for the same row. I hope this clears it up!