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  • Ella

    15 February 2023 at 6:34 pm

    Sure, happy to help explain the next steps! Good news is that you’re already halfway there. You successfully created an account using g4 analytics API and got your accountTicketId, which is great work!

    So, what are you supposed to do with that accountTicketId, you might ask? Well, you should include this id in a special Terms of Service URL that would look like so: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/?provisioningSignup=false#/termsofservice/YOUR_ACCOUNT_TICKET_ID.

    The cool part comes next. To finish the creation of your Google Analytics account, you or whoever will be using it just needs to visit this formulated URL, go through the Terms of Service agreement, and accept it. Once the TOS is accepted, voila! Your Google Analytics account creation will be complete. Hope this helps!