Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 How can I use GA4 ID to track my Google Chrome extension? Reply To: How can I use GA4 ID to track my Google Chrome extension?

  • Avery

    3 June 2023 at 5:48 am

    Unfortunately, the “Google Analytics ID” for Chrome Extensions requires the older UA-XXXX format from Universal Analytics, and can’t directly use the newer GA4 ID format of G-XXXX. Currently, there seems to be no direct solution for using the GA4 ID with Chrome Extensions. What you could do is to set up a new Universal Analytics property as a work-around to get a UA-XXXX ID. Then you can use that UA-XXXX ID in the Chrome extension. It’s also suggested to reach out to Google Support to see if there are updates or further work-arounds to allowing newer GA4 ID usage within Chrome Extensions.