Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Is there a way to deactivate Google Tag Manager in a single-page application when a user logs in? Reply To: Is there a way to deactivate Google Tag Manager in a single-page application when a user logs in?

  • Pham

    20 February 2023 at 8:09 pm

    Absolutely, you can manage Google Tag Manager (GTM) in your React application so it only runs when and where you need it, without needing to remove or disable the actual GTM script.

    To unload a script like GTM, you’d typically manipulate the HTML and this can add unnecessary complexity to your app. Overriding script namespaces could lead to unpredictable behavior down the line.

    Instead, an efficient way forward is using GTM’s in-built blocking triggers. Use these to prevent certain tags from firing after a user logs in, which would make GTM behave as though it’s been unloaded, without actually doing so.

    This strategy aligns better with operations advisable in a production environment. QED – less mess, less stress!