Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Maximizing Conversion Tracking: Incorporating gclid with gtag and GA4 for Google Ads Reply To: Maximizing Conversion Tracking: Incorporating gclid with gtag and GA4 for Google Ads

  • Adam

    4 March 2023 at 3:13 pm

    Yes, you are correct that you need to include the gclid parameter in your data object so Google Ads can track conversions. This parameter should be stored when the user lands on your website from a Google Ads click and then included in the event data that you send to Google Analytics 4. You could add gclid as a new property in your events object. Ensure to store and retrieve the gclid parameter correctly. When the user visits your website from a Google Ads click, the gclid will be in the URL. You have to capture it and store it locally (for example in a cookie or local storage), and whenever a conversion is made, retrieve the gclid and include it in your event tracking data. Additional reference material can be found in the Google Ads cookie matching guide. It could help provide more context on how to perform these actions.