Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Inherited Permissions not Honored in GA4 Insights Notifications Reply To: Inherited Permissions not Honored in GA4 Insights Notifications

  • Sofia

    24 May 2023 at 8:27 am

    I completely understand your concern. The behavior you’ve described does indeed seem strange, especially given the wording on the Insights creation page. While ensuring every team member has the “Viewer” permission at property level might work, it’s not the most scalable solution. The symptoms do point towards ‘inheritance’ permissions possibly not working as intended for Insights. In this case, contacting Google’s support team to report what you’ve found might be the best course of action. This could be a case of an oversight in Google’s systems or simply a lack of clarity in their instructions. Either way, getting clarification directly from the source should provide the correct course of action.