Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 How to combine andGroup and notExpression in GA4 filter json syntax? Reply To: How to combine andGroup and notExpression in GA4 filter json syntax?

  • Connor

    19 July 2022 at 9:44 pm

    Absolutely! Here’s an easy-going way to create a JSON for GA4 filters with andGroup and notExpression. Just remember, you want to match “field1” and not match “field2”. The syntax would look like this:

    “andGroup”: {
    “expressions”: [
    “filter”: {
    “fieldName”: “field1”,
    “stringFilter”: {
    “matchType”: “EXACT”,
    “value”: “match_me”
    “notExpression”: {
    “filter”: {
    “fieldName”: “field2”,
    “stringFilter”: {
    “matchType”: “EXACT”,
    “value”: “do_not_match_me”
    Relax, it’s not as complicated as it looks! In the first expression, we’re matching “field1” with “match_me”. In the second, we’re saying “do_not_match_me” to “field2”. Both of these expressions are grouped under “andGroup”. Keep practicing and you’ll soon get the hang of it!