Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Analyzing the Issue with Item Prices in Google Analytics 4 Debug Reply To: Analyzing the Issue with Item Prices in Google Analytics 4 Debug

  • Le

    31 December 2022 at 9:26 am

    This discrepancy could be due to the way GA4 interprets decimal numbers. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) interprets numbers as micros, so €1 is regarded as 1,000,000 micro units. This may be the source of the large numbers you’re witnessing. When you’re passing the price or the value into GA4, consider multiplying the number by 1,000,000, or representing your prices as integers in the smallest units of your currency (like cents or pennies), as GA4 expects this format.

    Regarding the recorded revenue for each item showing as zero, the issue is likely due to a tracking setup error. GA doesn’t always mimic exactly what’s in the data layer – sometimes it fails to interpret the revenue data if it’s not formatted properly. Ensure that your ecommerce tracking code is correctly implemented and revenue data is passed as expected. You can also use GA’s built-in diagnostics and reports to help troubleshoot the issue. You might need some debug work on the site or contact the support team for a detailed investigation.