Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Guide to integrating Google Analytics 4 with Vue.js 2 Reply To: Guide to integrating Google Analytics 4 with Vue.js 2

  • Ethan

    25 June 2023 at 9:32 am

    Vue-gtag should be compatible with both Vue3 and Vue2 applications. However, if you encounter issues using vue-gtag with Vue2, you may consider using vue-gtag version 1, which has been found to be more compatible with Vue2. In any case, it should be noted that gtag (the global site tagging by Google for analytics and advertising) is not Vue-specific – it is a JavaScript-based solution. Therefore, you can use it directly in your Vue2 application without needing a Vue-specific package if you so prefer. Just follow the implementation guide provided by Google analytics.