Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Optimal approach for including additional items in GA4 ecommerce tracking Reply To: Optimal approach for including additional items in GA4 ecommerce tracking

  • Anh

    13 February 2023 at 6:07 pm

    Sure! So, basically, when somebody is buying something online and they decide to snag an add-on like gift wrapping or an extra warranty, you’re gonna want to keep track of that. You don’t just want to know what the original purchase was, but also what extras they decided to get.

    When you’re creating the event for that purchase, you can add details about the add-ons too. So, let’s say someone buys a blue t-shirt and opts for gift wrapping. When you’re recording this, you can have an event like “purchase_event”, and under “itemName”, you’ll write “blue t-shirt”. Then, you add another line for the add-on, where it can say “gift_wrapping”. This way, not only do you know what they bought, but also what extras they chose. This can give you a better idea of what options your customers are going for and can help improve your services or offers.