Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Optimizing GA4 Integration: Excluding Unwanted Parameters in GTM Server Side Reply To: Optimizing GA4 Integration: Excluding Unwanted Parameters in GTM Server Side

  • Liam

    25 February 2023 at 10:43 am

    First off, great job on setting up a server side container for your Google Tag Manager with GA4 integration. Now, to validate whether you have properly excluded the ‘ip_override’ parameter, you could use Google Analytics real-time reports or inspect network requests in your browser for a ‘ga’ request that includes the IP parameter. This will help confirm whether IP information is still being sent despite your efforts to exclude it.

    As for the ‘_uip’ parameter you noticed in the ‘outgoing HTTP request from server’ section, it essentially serves to override the IP address for the hit and is used for geolocation. If IP anonymization is enabled (which seems to be what you’re aiming for), you indeed should not see the ‘_uip’ parameter containing the IP. However, the ‘_uip’ parameter being present doesn’t necessarily confirm that the IP is being sent and used for geolocation. To ensure that IP addresses are kept anonymous, I would also recommend applying IP anonymization at the platform level and not just on the GA4 tag. That way, you’re not reliant on individual tags for the anonymization.