Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Understanding the Functionality of a JavaScript Variable: Excluding Personal Information from the URL Reply To: Understanding the Functionality of a JavaScript Variable: Excluding Personal Information from the URL

  • Jacob

    4 March 2023 at 5:24 am

    Yes, you are correct. Usually, ‘piiRegex’ is used as a way to identify Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in a string through a regular expression, and it’s commonly used to filter out data like email addresses. The ‘piiRegex’ only replaces the value of an email if the value pattern matches an email because it’s specifically looking for patterns that match typical email formats for privacy reasons.

    As for the rest of your code, unfortunately, the code was not provided in your message, therefore I cannot assess its overall structure or potential issues. If you want me to check your JavaScript code, please repost your question and make sure to include the code you need help with.