Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Unidentified values linked to session start events in custom dimensions Reply To: Unidentified values linked to session start events in custom dimensions

  • Lucas

    20 June 2023 at 2:33 am

    Hey there!

    Just to clear up the situation a bit – it’s totally normal that your custom parameters are appearing as ‘(not set)’ for the ‘session_start’ and ‘first_visit’ events. These are auto-collected events and unfortunately, they’re just not designed to capture custom parameters. It’s kind of like they’ve got their own thing going on, y’know?

    And hey, before you ask – yes, this could have some impact on your reports. Here’s how it works. If you base your reports on the ‘views’ metric solely, and you’re always setting your custom parameter, you’ll never lay eyes on a ‘(not set)’ value in your report. But if you’re a ‘users’ metric kind of person, be prepared to see a bit more ‘(not set)’ action. This is simply because ‘users’ includes those fun-lovers, the ‘session_start’ events, which as we know, don’t play ball with your custom parameters.

    So, don’t fret. You’re not missing anything, and you’re not messing up. It’s just the way things flow in the GA4 world! Hope we’ve managed to illuminate the situation for ya. Let us know if you need more info. Keep up the good work with your data and happy analyzing!