Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Optimal placement of parameters for GTM-driven GA4 auto-tracking events Reply To: Optimal placement of parameters for GTM-driven GA4 auto-tracking events

  • Jayden

    28 June 2023 at 9:34 am

    Yes, you’re on the right track. As far as I know you’ve got it correct, GA4 listens for the specific properties (like video_title, video_url) on the Data Layer if it corresponds to the GA4 event schema.

    In terms of your desired structure, you can include the additional parameters in a nested fashion like you’ve given in your example: dataLayer.push({event:'video_start', video_params:{title:'my title', url:'my-url'}});. However, keep in mind that while this keeps your Data Layer tidy, it adds an extra step in GTM where you need to create separate Data Layer Variables for each nested parameter.

    The mapping of GA4 event parameters to Data Layer values is quite straightforward: the name of the ‘parameter’ in GA4 should match the name of the key in the Data Layer object. If you do automatic tracking, Google has certain predefined parameters it looks for (like page_location, page_referrer). Anything else not defined by Google will have to be manually assigned. Unfortunately, official documents from Google on this specific question seem lacking, and it can result in some trial and error.