Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Retrieving Event Information Using Google Analytics 4 Reporting API Reply To: Retrieving Event Information Using Google Analytics 4 Reporting API

  • David

    2 July 2023 at 5:02 am

    Sure! In GA4 (the latest version of Google Analytics), you can definitely get the count of any named event, regardless if it’s marked as a conversion or not. For instance, you mentioned the event ‘events:online_enquiry – you can get a count of that!

    One way to go about it is by using Google’s runReport API. With this, you’re essentially creating a report where the ‘dimension’ would be ‘eventName’ and the ‘metric’ can be ‘eventCount’. This way, you can get the count of how many times that specific event happened.

    Google even gives you a list of all available dimensions and metrics, so you can mix and match to get exactly the data you need. It’s like creating your own custom report!

    So, to answer your question, yes, it’s totally feasible. But, of course, it’s always good to explore other options or ways to do it.