Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Analyzing Product Performance in Google Analytics Ecommerce Reports for view_item_list events Reply To: Analyzing Product Performance in Google Analytics Ecommerce Reports for view_item_list events

  • Taylor

    9 July 2023 at 10:22 am

    Yes, you’re correct. It seems you’re having trouble seeing ‘view_item_list’ event details in your Monetization/Ecommerce Purchases report, despite them appearing in Realtime and Engagement reports. While there is a possibility of modifying your DataLayer pushes to get this data, it may be more beneficial to identify why these specific events aren’t appearing in your report. Look into possible filters or settings in the Monetization/Ecommerce Purchases report that might be preventing the information from coming through. This way, you would get the ‘view_item_list’ count for each product without modifying your existing DataLayer setup.