Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Obtaining Campaign Expenditure and Acquisition Metrics via Analytics API Reply To: Obtaining Campaign Expenditure and Acquisition Metrics via Analytics API

  • James

    3 July 2023 at 12:00 pm

    Sure, I can provide a brief overview. In Google Analytics, “ga:acquisitionCampaign” is used as a dimension in reports to identify the name of your marketing campaigns. So, the values you are getting back are likely the names or identifiers of these campaigns. Regarding your main question, yes, you can get the details you are after using the Google Analytics API, but you might need to use some more dimensions or metrics. For example, you can use “ga:campaignCost” to get the associated costs, “ga:users” to count the total of users and “ga:newUsers” to count the new users. This information will allow you to understand whether a campaign is effective or not. Just note that some of these metrics depend on correctly configuring your campaigns or your tracking code.