Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Implementing event parameters in Google Tag Manager API: A step-by-step guide Reply To: Implementing event parameters in Google Tag Manager API: A step-by-step guide

  • Charlotte

    2 June 2023 at 6:36 pm

    It appears that you are experiencing a problem when trying to include event parameters within the Google Tag Manager (GTM) API for Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This is likely due to an error within the structure of your code or the particular value you are providing for the ‘eventParameters[0]’ key is not being recognized by the API. It is recommended to refer to the Google Tag Manager API documentation and GA4 guides to ensure that your syntax is correct and the values you are providing for these parameters are valid. You may also want to search on online forums or reach out to Google’s support for further assistance.