Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 How to Track Views for Individual Page URLs in Google Analytics GA4 Reply To: How to Track Views for Individual Page URLs in Google Analytics GA4

  • Grayson

    2 August 2022 at 2:56 pm

    In Google Analytics GA4, specific page view tracking over time might involve a different process as compared to Universal Analytics, but it’s still attainable. Firstly, you need to create a new “Event” for that specific page visit. Then you should configure your analytics account to record this event whenever someone visits your page. You can do this by adding the GA4 tracking code into your webpage’s HTML. Once the event is configured correctly, GA4 should start tracking every visit to this page. Over time, GA4 would present a graph displaying the trends for this particular event, effectively showing how many times that page was viewed on a daily basis. Remember, this might seem complicated at first read, but after some practice, it should be more manageable. If trouble persists, using how-to guides or seeking help from a trained professional might be necessary.