Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Trouble excluding test data from Google Analytics 4 Realtime reports Reply To: Trouble excluding test data from Google Analytics 4 Realtime reports

  • Landon

    28 January 2023 at 10:27 am

    Your current dilemma appears to be related to the way Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and your filters are set up. The Real-time report you mention may indeed be picking up on developer (dev) traffic. Normally, dev traffic and real user traffic can be differentiated by using a variety of filters, but your settings may not be allowing this. You are using a helpful GA debug extension on Google Chrome to examine your website, but you’re noticing discrepancies when the filters are toggled on and off. In terms of your code, it appears you’re correctly initializing GA4 and sending pageview hits. However, without knowledge of your entire setup, it’s hard to definitively uncover the root cause of your problem. A professional who is familiar with GA4 configuration and your specific website setup might be able to provide further advice but to truly separate your internal traffic from your users, consider setting up a separate property for your testing and development cases. Hope this helps!