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  • Casey

    20 February 2023 at 7:59 am

    It’s hard to provide specific code without knowing the format your data is in, however, the general way to accomplish this in any language would be to check each nested list for a ‘video_complete’ value.

    In Python for instance, a basic way to do this would be to iterate over your list of lists using a for loop. Inside the loop, you would use an if statement to check the first element of each nested list. If the first element is ‘video_complete’, you would temporarily store this nested list in a variable, then remove it from the main list using the ‘remove’ method. After the for loop completed, you’d then use the ‘append’ method to add the stored ‘video_complete’ list to the end of the main list.

    Doing something similar in your language of choice will move the row with ‘video_complete’ to be at the very bottom of your nested list. However, it is important to note that this is a very basic brute force method and not optimal for large lists. For a more efficient approach, you may want to consider sorting your data when querying it from the database or using more advanced algorithms and libraries.