Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Optimizing event tracking with multiple gtag codes in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Reply To: Optimizing event tracking with multiple gtag codes in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

  • Blair

    6 January 2023 at 7:58 am

    It seems like you might be experiencing a common issue with Google Analytics tracking known as “double-counting”. This often happens when the gtag.js (Global Site Tag) is implemented more than once on a page. When you call gtag(‘event’,…), the event is sent to all currently configured tracking IDs, which may lead to double-counting if multiple instances of the same tracking ID are present.

    To avoid this, you should try to ensure that each Google Analytics tracking ID is only implemented once on your page or site. You could do this by carefully managing your tracking code implementation or, if possible, using a tool like Google Tag Manager to help you manage multiple tracking tags.

    In cases where sending an event to a specific tracking ID is really necessary, you can use the “send_to” parameter in the event call to specify which ID to send the event to (for example, gtag(‘event’, ‘event_name’, { ‘send_to’: ‘GA_TRACKING_ID’ }).

    This issue can require complex debugging depending on your specific implementation, so you may want to consult with a professional with experience in Google Analytics implementation to help you sort this out.