Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Trouble with Removing Google Analytics 4 Cookies using Osano Consent Management Platform Reply To: Trouble with Removing Google Analytics 4 Cookies using Osano Consent Management Platform

  • Gabriel

    24 April 2023 at 11:07 pm

    There seem to be two main issues you’re encountering with Osano’s Cookie Consent Manager. First, you’re noticing that even after a user opts out of having cookies track their data, the cookies aren’t removed and there is no change in the “Expires / Max Age” field. This might occur because the mechanism for removing or updating the cookie may not be functioning as expected. An alternative explanation could be that cookies set by Google Analytics 4 are not instantly deleted but could take some time to be removed.

    The second issue revolves around Google Analytics 4 cookies not appearing in the “Storage Preference Drawer” under the Analytics section in your Osano dashboard. Because most cookie consent solution providers, including Osano, don’t manually curate the list of specific cookies for each category (like “Analytics”), the content in the storage preference drawer might be more of a general summary of the analytics cookies rather than an exhaustive listing. For instance, the drawer might mention that Analytics cookies help websites understand user interaction, without explicitly listing the specific GA4 cookies encountered on your site.

    In order to better understand and address the issues you are facing, I recommend reaching out to Osano’s support team for deeper troubleshooting and guidance.