Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Optimal approach for managing extensive subdomain tracking in a single GA4 account Reply To: Optimal approach for managing extensive subdomain tracking in a single GA4 account

  • Quinn

    6 July 2023 at 3:40 pm

    Switching from traditional Google Analytics to GA4 presents a unique set of challenges, especially with your complex setup where you look after numerous subdomains and apps. In GA4, the concept of views doesn’t exist anymore. However, you can use data streams within a single GA4 property to represent different apps or sites. For a big organization like yours, a good approach would be to create one GA4 property for each sub-brand, department, or functional unit that needs separate reporting and user access control. Then, for each property, create a data stream for every app or subdomain. This way, you can grant access at property level to mimic the access control you had with views, keeping the same granularity. Remember, a property in GA4 is not the same as in Universal Analytics, it’s rather a flexible container for data, which might represent a brand, a functional unit or any other form of logical separation. As for the user engagement, the switch to GA4 shouldn’t present significant changes unless they were extensively using some features no longer present in GA4.