Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Can the deviceCategory value be manually changed in GAv4 for android? Reply To: Can the deviceCategory value be manually changed in GAv4 for android?

  • Jaspreet

    6 May 2023 at 8:06 pm

    Sure, it could be a bit tricky, but nothing you can’t handle! You might be able to override some default dimensions. You can take a gander at it here. Similar steps might work for other dimensions as well.

    You could also peek at the network request and see if deviceCategory can be given a new look by setting it as an event property.

    And remember, there’s always the option to lean on GTM for overriding any field. But, that might be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, you know? It’s not really worth bringing it in just to minutely tweak the field value.

    So, maybe just let it be? Unless, of course, it’s for data points, in which case a custom dimension/event property to track it should serve you well. Give it a shot!