• Oliver

    29 June 2023 at 5:39 pm

    It sounds like you have concerns about the continued functionality of your code which reads data from Universal Analytics (UA) and its compatibility with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) given technology updates and changes, particularly beyond July 2023. You’ve taken measures to connect your UA to GA4, which started retrieving metrics from April 2022, and question whether your current code will remain compatible with this connection. You’re also contemplating switching to another package – Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4, and whether you’ll be able to still use the View ID of your UA in this case.

    Another notable concern you’ve raised pertains to a prototype you’ve created. This prototype depends on a View ID, but GA4 doesn’t provide a View ID. So you’ve used a View ID from your UA, which is connected to your GA4. It’s unclear to you whether this approach will still function by July 2023 or whether a switch to a different implementation would be more appropriate. To get the most accurate assistance and advice, it is highly recommended to provide the code and prospective prototype code in your inquiries.