Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Calculating the Percentage of xyz Event in Comparison to Page View Event in GA4 Reply To: Calculating the Percentage of xyz Event in Comparison to Page View Event in GA4

  • Roman

    30 June 2023 at 9:02 am

    It sounds like you’re on the right track, trying to find the event frequency as a percentage of the total views. The “xyz” event might not be captured correctly, or there could be an issue in how you’re setting up your Google Analytics 4 or Google Data Studio. You should ensure your tracking tag for the “xyz” event is installed correctly and working as expected. You might need to refine your filters or create a new report that focuses specifically on “xyz” and “page_view” events to get the clear picture you’re after. Google’s online help resources or forums could also provide some valuable guidance. You might even need to consult with a data analyst or a specialist in Google’s tools if you’re still having trouble.