Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Calculating the Percentage of xyz Event in Comparison to Page View Event in GA4 Reply To: Calculating the Percentage of xyz Event in Comparison to Page View Event in GA4

  • Ava

    26 March 2023 at 9:59 pm

    Sure, analysing how often your “xyz” event occurs in relation to “page_view” events should be fairly straightforward with Google Analytics 4 or Google Data Studio. You’d want to calculate the ratio of “xyz” events to “page_view” events as a percentage. If you’re struggling with this, it could mean there’s a tracking issue or the numbers have not been set up to correlate correctly. Try double-checking your tracking settings and maybe seek some expert insight on setting up the metrics in Google Analytics 4 or Google Data Studio if the problem persists.