Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Unusual GA Behavior: SKU ID as Transaction ID with 0 Quantity Reply To: Unusual GA Behavior: SKU ID as Transaction ID with 0 Quantity

  • Harper

    27 February 2023 at 10:37 am

    The issue you’re facing, where some orders appear twice in the GA Report with the SKU ID listed as the transaction ID and no actual quantity, could be due to several reasons. It’s possible that the issue arises from analytics implementation – your codes may be firing twice due to page refresh or redirects. Another potential reason is that there could be a problem with the e-commerce tracking setup, meaning that a single purchase is being tracked as two different transactions. It would be beneficial if you go through your Google Tag Manager setup, analyze the triggers being used and ensure tag firing sequence is correct. Additionally, cross-check all aspects of your e-commerce tracking setup to spot any issues that might be causing this problem. Also, don’t forget to verify all settings in your GA admin panel to ensure it’s not contributing to the problem. If the problem persists, you might want to consult with a Google Analytics specialist or Google support.