Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Comparing User Numbers: GA4 Users Significantly Exceed Universal Analytics Users? Reply To: Comparing User Numbers: GA4 Users Significantly Exceed Universal Analytics Users?

  • Elijah

    19 April 2023 at 1:54 am

    The discrepancy could be due to GA4’s enhanced ability to track users across multiple devices and sessions as compared to UA’s more session-based approach. Also, consider the impact of timezone differences you may be based in and check your report on page views, sessions and total users. If the difference still persists, it might be due to the different definitions of ‘Users’ in GA4 and UA. Remember, UA counts ‘Total Users’ while GA4 counts ‘Active Users’, to get a comparison use the ‘Explorations’ in GA4 to find your ‘Total Users’ number.