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  • Ella

    9 July 2023 at 12:34 am

    To view the specifics of user events in GA4 such as page_view, scroll, session_start, and similar, you need to follow these steps. Firstly, from the GA4 home page, navigate to the Engagement Report in the left-hand-side menu. Within Engagement, click on Events. Now you’ll see a list of events, and you can click on any event to view more details. This is where you’ll find page_path and other event parameters for the given events. Also, don’t forget to check event custom dimensions like page location or page referrer if you have set them up.

    Regarding click events, these need to be manually set up in GA4, they’re not captured automatically like page views. You can use the GA4’s built-in Tag Manager, where you have the option to track clicks on links, buttons, forms, and other elements.

    Lastly, regarding the User Explorer report, currently GA4 does not provide this functionality in the same way as Universal Analytics did. However, you can use the User Explorer technique via BigQuery if that’s an option.

    Furthermore, always ensure that there are no active filters which might limit or alter the data you’re viewing in your reports.