Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Accessing Returning User Metrics in GA4 with Looker Studio Reply To: Accessing Returning User Metrics in GA4 with Looker Studio

  • Henry

    28 January 2023 at 7:13 pm

    There is indeed a ‘Returning Users’ metric in Google Analytics, but it is not straightforward in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) as it was in the previous version. As you’ve already found, one method is to calculate it manually by subtracting new users from the total users. But, GA4 is more event-based and allows you to get more detailed information about your users. One recommended way is to take into account different events or interactions that users have with the website. You might also need to tweak your current set-up, metrics or dimensions to better track your ‘returning users’ or use the user engagement report in GA4. But unfortunately, at the moment, the simple ‘Returning Users’ metric is not part of Google Analytics 4 out of the box offering.